Category : статистически данни

Government expenditure and revenue of Bulgaria in.

Government expenditure has reached US$18,325.6 million in 2019 Sources: World Bank 2021

General government gross debt as % of.

Debt-to-GDP ratio in Bulgaria is expected to increase over the observed time period  Sources: IMF 2021; Statista, based on IMF; WEOD, as of Q4 2021

Unemployment as % in Bulgaria

The estimated unemployment rate was 5.30% in 2021 and is projected to be 4.20% in 2027  Sources: ILO 2022; Statista, based on IMF; WEOD; World...

House prices in Bulgaria

House prices have increased much faster than rents in Bulgaria  Sources: IMF 2022; Bank for International Settlements 2022; Statista 2022

The stock market in Bulgaria

The stock market in Bulgaria has expanded moderately between 2010 and 2022 Sources: World Bank 2022; FED 2022; CEIC 2022

Business Environment: Administrative Framework in Bulgaria

It takes 23 days to start a business in Bulgaria compared to the regional average of 9.0 days  Sources: World Bank 2020; Statista 2021

Trade in Goods by Years and Sectors.

In 2020, total merchandise exports of Bulgaria amounted to US$32.0 billion Sources: WTO 2022; Statista 2022 (1) Goods that add or subtract from the stock...

Population projection of Bulgaria

Population projected to reach 5.9 million by 2040 in Bulgaria Sources: Statista, based on UN DESA and other statistical offices as of Q4 2021

Population distribution of Bulgaria in 2021

58.9% of the population were between the age of 20 and 64, more than half of them were men. Bulgaria had the 96th highest population...

General Health Indicators of Bulgaria

The total fertility rate in Bulgaria is lower than the regional average Sources: UN 2022